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SURF LEGEND AND VOLLEYBALL STAR, LAIRD HAMILTON AND GABBY REECE MAKE THEIR COMMITMENT TO AIDING THE GLOBAL WATER CRISIS   Local Athletic Icons Join Board of Directors, Working to Alleviate the Water Crisis Around the Globe   LOS ANGELES – March 12, 2012 -, a local nonprofit organization fighting the global water crisis,  is honored to announce the addition of Laird Hamilton, surf legend, and Gabby Reece, former Women’s Beach Volleyball star, to its Board of Directors.   “The idea of bringing clean drinking water to individuals in need is very important to me,” said Reece. “Helping RainCatcher...

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Mind & Body Master the art of standing entirely on golf balls. Train to tolerate pain and you’ll become a better athlete. by Laird Hamilton The reason the saying “No pain, no gain” is so common is because it’s true: If you never feel discomfort when you exercise, you’re not getting all the benefits. What separates great athletes from mediocre ones isn’t only talent and training — it’s also how well they can handle discomfort. When I’ve helped out-of-shape friends get back into shape, the first thing we do is get them more accustomed to struggle. You train hard, which...

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Laird Hamilton believes breathing deeply and exhaling consciously will improve your sense of well-being. Whether you’re surfing, climbing, or skiing, deep breathing calms your body and readies your muscles for movement. by Laird Hamilton People don’t think much about breathing. Of all the things we take for granted, breathing has to be number one — even though it’s our main source of life and energy. When I started focusing on my breathing, I became a stronger athlete and was better able to control my levels of effort and pain. One of the best ways to become more conscious of your...

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With his debut column, the big-wave surfer wants you to do the opposite of everything gym rats tell you. by Laird Hamilton I’ve been hanging upside down a lot lately. Nothing decompresses me more or has a better overall positive effect than that. It stretches and elongates my spine, gets blood flowing to my head, and takes pressure off my organs. Being upside down is the ultimate counter balance to the repetitive motions we do in our vertical lives — walking, standing, paddle-boarding, sitting upright. There’s a saying among yogis that a man who can stand on his head 20...

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Why Blame Laird?  Laird Hamilton has inspired many people to enjoy the ocean. Laird's intense passion for all water activities; big wave surfing, foil boarding, kite boarding, jet skiing, body surfing, and his latest passion, StandUp Paddling, have opened up countless eyes to the joy ocean, rivers and lakes can bring one’s soul. People are happy to blame Laird for opening their eyes to this joy.  StandUp paddling has become one of the fastest growing sports since Laird made it part of the mainstream in the early 2000s. His pure curiosity and innovative spirit led him to discover a new...

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